Sunday, March 4, 2012

Describing the Elephant: Modern Science & Ancient Wisdom

As an acupuncturist, I have the intellectual hobby of following ideas & discoveries in modern science & medicine and then "translating" them into Chinese Medicine theory - particularly that of the Five Element model.

Yesterday, I was listening to Studio360 on National Public Radio and they did a segment interviewing Adrian Bejan, the founder of Constructal Theory. In short, Constructal Theory says, "For a flow system to persist in time (to survive) it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier and easier access to the currents that flow through it".

In many ways, Constructal Theory speaks to both the art of Feng Shui (the arrangement of items in our environment to create the smoothest & most beneficial flow of energy through a space, which results in a greater sense of comfort & ease) and to what I endeavor to achieve with my patients in the treatment room every day.

I do not profess to fully understand Constructal dynamics at the moment, although I intend to study it further. However, it appears to be addressing the flow of qi both in animate and inanimate forms. While none of us are designed to live forever, acupuncture as a medicine seeks to reduce impediments to one's ability to live as well as possible or in constructal terms, "to evolve in such a way that it provides easier and easier access to the currents [of energy/qi/life] that flow through [us]."

It always tickles me when modern science and ancient energetic wisdom line up like this. We are all, indeed, just the blind men describing the elephant.

I wish you well & thanks for reading.


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