Monday, March 3, 2014

What's on your plate?

I'm back!

Life has provided a feast of opportunities for me over the last year and a half and blog updates have fallen by the wayside. Many apologies.

On my plate, I have my rewarding acupuncture practice, my peaceful and lovely wellness center, the second year of my graduate studies in Chinese Herbs leading to my eventual Doctorate in Chinese Medicine, supervising in the student acupuncture clinic and teaching diagnostic interaction at MUIH, and last but far from least, my wonderful family.


So, where and when to breathe?


It's all we truly have.

When a patient comes to see me, I often lead them in the following meditation:

Take a deep breath all the way down to your toes, breathing deep into your belly. 

Now, with each exhale, I want you to let go of everything up to this minute. The past does not exist except in what we say about it. And we get to tell whatever story we want to... or none at all. So, for now, just let them all drop away like rain off a raincoat.

At the same time, letting go of anything that might happen next. Letting all the what-ifs and the lists of things to do float away like a handful of balloons...

Letting all of you sink down into right now.

Pulling your awareness down through your whole body to the soles of your feet.

Noticing the spaces between your toes...

The weight of your body in space...

And giving yourself permission to stop doing... and let yourself be.

Alive and awake to this moment, 

right now,

where life is happening.

It's all we have...

and more than enough.


I'll meet you back here next time.
Unless of course, I see you in the real world before then.


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