Thursday, September 27, 2012

Letting Go

Fall is in full swing. It began creeping up in early August and hit its height at the Equinox last week. Everyone is beginning to feel the shift. Some welcome it and others, not so much. Now is the time that we begin the energetic slope into Winter. The days are getting shorter and it's time to take stock.

The energy of Fall is all about awe and grief. The beauty of that first crisp day that causes us to gasp. It's so beautiful. The Chinese say this is the Lung taking in the "breath of heaven". And yet, as so much is letting go and dying at this time of year, there is also the grief that follows the declining of the light.

Many of my patients report either being inspired or a bit down at this time of year. Both are appropriate. The inspiration, associated with the Lung, comes from that last glimpse of heaven before we burrow into the darkness. The "down" is that pulling in of energy in preparation for Winter. This is the Large Intestine's territory. Its physical function is paralleled by its energetic responsibility to extract what is valuable and let the rest go.

There is a Chinese parable about two monks, one old, one young, who are walking along a road. They come to a muddy stretch and there they meet an aristocratic woman who is complaining loudly about not being able to get across the mud. Her servants, meanwhile, are wading through the muck, weighted down by heavy packages.
The older monk kneels down and offers to carry the woman across. She begrudgingly climbs on his back and gripes the entire way across the mud. He then sets her down and continues on his way with his younger companion.
Once they are out of earshot, the younger monk begins to complain about how rude and ungrateful the woman had been. He continues this tirade for the next hour, ending by saying, "How can you be so calm about this?" and the older monk replied with a smile, "I put her down an hour ago. You are still carrying her."

As I began writing this, sitting here in a coffee shop, I was reminded about this story. Someone whom I am still carrying came in to get coffee. We did not speak or even acknowledge each other. However, I am sure we were both aware. It took me a minute to regain my center - to not be wobbled by the mere sight of this person.

So, now it's time to walk my talk. Before Winter begins to creep up at the beginning of November, I will practice letting go of this person once and for all. I will take what's valuable from our association and let the rest go. It is a practice. By putting it in writing here, I am holding myself to it. Now is the time.

So, want to join me?
What have you not let go of? Who are you still carrying? Do you really want to lug them into the deep of Winter with you? Wouldn't it be better to make room for other things?

May the peace and beauty of the season inspire you to simplify your life - shedding people and things and habits that no longer serve you as your best self. That's my plan.

Until next time,



  1. Hey neighbor! I just discovered your blog and this is a great first read. I chuckled at the Large Intestine analogy, but it helps to make a great point. I have a list a mile long of people, places, events, and conditions that I need to stop carrying. Maybe we can keep each other honest about putting down some of our baggage.


    1. I'm running into you all over the place these days. Yes, it's worth the effort... and it's definitely the right time of year for it.
